Welcome to OtherSide.live!
“Coronavirus.” Jeez...I HATE that fucking word. There, my first swear word on the new website for the new internet radio station. “Internet” means the music can have swear words, too.…
“Coronavirus.” Jeez...I HATE that fucking word. There, my first swear word on the new website for the new internet radio station. “Internet” means the music can have swear words, too.…
So, we can talk "favorite season" until we're all blue in the face. Hands down, mine is Summer. And, we can talk "formative years" that leave the biggest impression on…
This may be the shortest blog post in history... this sentence, and a hyperlink!https://live365.com/blog/featured-spotlight-station-the-other-side/
When a video on your YouTube channel has only 216 views, features a van with Washington plates named “Hop,” but your wife points out where storage is for your toques,…
Since The Other Side went online, there have been requests for an Alexa skill -- that's the ability for you to say "Alexa..." to some Amazon-designed device, followed by some…
Since there’s a good chance that you won’t make it through this entire piece, let me start with an explanation of why you should you give a damn about any…
Yesterday, the 2020 presidency was awarded to Joe Biden. You may like that. You may not. But, you probably can’t argue that it was an important hurdle to be crossed…
My wife Denise and I run this little Internet radio station called The Other Side. We've been married, and have worked together out of our home, for almost 32 years.…
There’s a Colorado band called Gasoline Lollipops. When I was volunteering at a public music station a few years ago, I was introduced to their style of country/rock. They’re led…
Well, here I am already trying not to over-geek you. But, this is important. And, it's a little technical. Not a lot... but a little. You hear me crow about…