So, we can talk “favorite season” until we’re all blue in the face. Hands down, mine is Summer. And, we can talk “formative years” that leave the biggest impression on our lives. Mine was probably my teens and early 20s.
The memories of both feature Sundays at Boysen Lake with the 18-foot Starcraft with the Mercruiser, a few not-yet-of-age-to-drink beverages in the built-in coolers, summer hits cranked up, trying to learn to slalom, and some epic sunburns to memorialize the day. That night, we’d head to either the West Drive-In or Knight Drive-In for some cheesy summer movie.

The Summer Hits were typically on the radio — either I was listening to them, or maybe playing them (I started my DJ career in 9th grade on the local AM station). Either way, it was AM radio with all the static associated with it — often lightning strikes that would add that “summer feeling” to the radio.
Starting at the exact time of the Summer Solstice on June 21, The First Weekend of Summer brings those memories back (sans the lightning static) all the way through Sunday at midnight. This is vintage Other Side, except that (admittedly) there are more “hits” that you typically hear. That’s by design — the summer memories are made of hits — those songs you heard a lot during those long summer days. But, don’t fear — you’ll also catch some Dire Straits, Chuck Prophet, Van Morrison… there’s tons of great summer music you haven’t heard over and over too!

Those nights at the drive-in aren’t forgotten either… movie memories from 40-plus years are featured several times an hour, too–usually with a song that brings back a memory from that year or movie. I’ve even created a few special mixes that combine the two… listen, in particular for a homemade mashup between Caddyshack and Kenny Loggins I’m Alright that’s requested over and over every year!
All this in the great audio quality that you’ve come to expect from The Other Side… I’ve looked for the best remasters and highest quality masters I can find (and, if you can listen to the 256K AAC stream, you’ll appreciate it even more).
Take the big bluetooth speaker to the vollyball court, listen to TuneIn on your outside Smart TV, or just pop in some earbuds. But, let those memories come back — ’til Sunday at midnight!